Thursday, December 13, 2007

For His Glory

I have been wanting to share something for several weeks. First, I had to find the time to write it, then figure out how to post-not an easy feat for me! Anyway, back in November I was questioning/wondering about the events of my day: washing dishes, changing diapers, diapers, and more diapers, cooking, helping with homework, baths, etc. I felt like these things were not important in the grand scheme of life. I was feeling frustrated by the "sameness" of each day and was definitely not delighting in these "chores." I was feeling restless for "something else" bigger or more important, but wasn't sure what the "something else" was. During my devotion the Lord really used the short time I had to speak to me-which in itself is truly amazing and a blessing! It amazes me how even a short encounter with the Lord can be earth shattering and change my perspective drastically. I read the verse Psalm 47:4 "He shall choose our inheritance for us" (using the book by Spurgeon, Morning and Evening as my devotion). Spurgeon reminds us that we are placed by God in the most suitable circumstances for us. I am to be content with the things that I have and where I am, since the Lord has ordered all things for my good. I should take up my own daily cross since it is the burden best suited for my shoulders and will prove most effective to make me perfect in every good work to the glory of God. I believe the Lord has much work to do in me through my new schedule such as growing in patience, encouraging my husband in his work, delighting and finding joy in my children, and serving others. Almost daily since this day the Lord has brought me back to the simple fact that this is all for His glory! So, if you are, like me, feeling frustrated in your circumstances or questioning the purpose of your present circumstances I encourage you to seek the Lord and ask Him to reveal to you what He would have you accomplish where you are in this season!