Thursday, October 23, 2008

10:23 / 08

It's been way too long since a new post. What better day than today!

Main Entry:

1faith·ful           Listen to the pronunciation of 1faithful






14th century

1obsolete : full of faith2: steadfast in affection or allegiance : loyal3: firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty : conscientious4: given with strong assurance : binding faithful promise>5: true to the facts, to a standard, or to an original faithful copy>

faith·ful·ly           Listen to the pronunciation of faithfully\-fə-lē\ adverb

faith·ful·ness noun

synonyms faithful , loyal , constant , staunch , steadfast , resolute mean firm in adherence to whatever one owes allegiance. faithful implies unswerving adherence to a person or thing or to the oath or promise by which a tie was contracted <faithful to her promise>. loyal implies a firm resistance to any temptation to desert or betray loyal to the czar>. constant stresses continuing firmness of emotional attachment without necessarily implying strict obedience to promises or vows <constant friends>. staunch suggests fortitude and resolution in adherence and imperviousness to influences that would weaken it staunch defender of free speech>. steadfast implies a steady and unwavering course in love, allegiance, or conviction <steadfast in their support>. resolute implies firm determination to adhere to a cause or purpose resolute ally>.

Let us hold fast to the profession of our faith without wavering; for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

I’m trusting the word of God today to encourage my heart and strengthen my faith. Life is not always easy as we all know and experience. It’s too easy to become discouraged and lose heart. I love this verse because it reminds me there is so much more beyond what we see day to day. There are promises that have been made by the One who does not break promises and who remains faithful even when we are faithless.

To him who is able to keep [us] from falling and to present [us] before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

May your joy today be found in the One who is Faithful and True.

Hebr 10:23 / 08,


Friday, June 6, 2008

By His Wounds

Hey Claymont CG:
I don't normally forward youtube stuff...but if you have not heard this version of "By His Wounds" I think you should give it a listen.
Have a wonderful and WARMMMMM weekend!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I recently read part of an article on that stated, “Saudi Arabia has asked florists and gift shops to remove all red items until after Valentine's Day, calling the celebration of such a holiday a sin”. It went on to quote one scholar in Islamic studies as saying, “As Muslims we shouldn't celebrate a non-Muslim celebration, especially this one that encourages immoral relations between unmarried men and women.”

Is that what Valentine’s Day is all about? Even as Christians, is this how we view the holiday today – as “one that encourages immoral relations between unmarried men and women”? I say, NO! This is not how we should view V-Day. Though our culture does over-market (in my opinion) and many unmarried do participate in immoral relations on this day (and many other days) I think it is important to celebrate Valentines’s Day and celebrate love as God intended it. As married couples we celebrate love to one another which ultimately points to a greater love – one between the Saviour and His bride (the church). This is very worthy of celebration. And as married and unmarried alike, believers should celebrate the love of Christ as displayed through His life, death and resurrection on the cross on our behalf. This is most worthy of celebration.

Though we will probably not find these noble reasons for celebrating Valentine’s Day on a Hallmark greeting card, I think it is important to see this day as an opportunity when all the nation is focused on love to display for them our joy in the Author of Love. We do this every day and today is a unique opportunity to testify before all that “God is love.”

Some of you may be familiar with this book quote, but I never tire of reading it. Happy Valentine’s Day to you – enjoy the celebration!

“He loves you with a first love and with a free love. He loves you with a tender and compassionate love, with an active or doing love, with a passive or suffering love. His love is infinite, without bounds of limits; it is superlative, without comparison; transcendent, beyond comprehension; everlasting, without change; and will have no end or conclusion. He loved you when you were polluted in your sins, and washed you with His own blood; He loved you when you were naked in your soul, and clothed you with robes of His righteousness. He loves you in your sickness and sorrows, and is your Comforter; He loves you in your wants and straits, and is your Benefactor. He loves you in life and is the life of your soul; He loves you at death, and is the stay of your heart; and He loves you after death, and will be your portion forever”. ~Thomas Vincent

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Prayer Request

Doug asked me to post this for him. Please keep him in prayer this weekend!

This weekend I am traveling to my mom's to meet with her along with her financial advisor to make some decisions. There is a great need for wisdom as my mom ,sister and I are going to discuss lots of issues, both financial and others. I realize that my input will affect my mom's future and I want to steer her in a good direction.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Group That Prays

I keep thinking about how Bryan described us as “a group that prays” when we met for the first time this year. What better group to be in than one that cares for each other by consistently lifting each other up in prayer. I look forward having a regularly updated list so that we know better how to pray for each other. On this subject, I would like to ask you all to be in prayer for my family, and for my dad in particular.
My dad turned 69 in January. He has always been the consummate athlete—played high school football, basketball & baseball and coached these sports for many years. He continues to work out regularly, I honestly can’t remember him ever spending the day sick in bed, he has never been hospitalized (a farm boy, wasn’t even born in one) and I am pretty sure he has had only one cavity filled in his entire life. My point in telling you all of this is that, statistically, he would appear to be the kind of person who would live for many more years. My dad has never had the greatest memory, which has kind of been a joke within my family. He has, however, always had a great memory for numbers. I have said before that he would have a better chance at remembering people if we introduced ourselves with our social security numbers instead of our names. A couple of years ago he became concerned because he was having difficulty remembering numbers. Not remembering people or events wasn’t particularly a concern because that had always been a weakness, but numbers were always his thing. He has been put on medications that he has found helpful, but recently has become more confused and has had difficulty remembering to do things that he had just talked about doing. He saw a neurologist last month who believes that he is in the early stages of alzheimer’s. This would be difficult in any situation, but considering his physical condition and his age, it makes it even harder to imagine him living for 20 more years with a diminished mental capacity. This is something that has been difficult for me to talk about, but I did want to begin asking people to pray. Here are some specific requests:
*For God’s mercy on him—from what I can tell, there are varying degrees and progressions of this disease, and we pray that he would be spared from some of the worst symptoms and that the progression would be slow.
*For God’s grace on all of us as we walk through this trial.
*For wisdom in knowing what, when and how much to tell our children—my parents have 28 grandchildren and have close relationships with all of them (at this point I have told Emily but have not said anything to the others).

I also want to add that God has already been gracious in meeting us. The day that I received the most recent update from my stepmom was also the day that Brian V posted a link to Mark Altrogge’s blog with a post about his mom who had suffered from this disease. His post was very encouraging and I was able to share it with the rest of the family. Later that same day I received an email from a college professor who I had reconnected with. His wife has had alzheimer’s for a few years and his note was very positive and full of thanksgiving for how God continues to bless them. I am also grateful that they are members of this church and will receive care from the pastors and their friends and CG members. They plan to meet with Brian soon…another evidence of God’s grace, that he has recently begun a ministry specifically for these types of situations.

Thanks again for your prayers and for the genuine care that you all have for us and for each other.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Family Reunion Pineapple Puff

I dropped the ball on this one ... for anyone holding their breath for the Pineapple Puff recipe from the CG Christmas Party - sorry.

Here it is -

Pineapple Puff Recipe
from Doreen DeLuca

5 slices of bread
1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 can crushed pineapple (20 oz), drained

Yeilds: 4 servings (double or triple etc for more, you will be happy you did)

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 1 1/2 quart casserole.

- Trim crusts from bread and cut into 1” cubes (I like adding the crust to the mix)

- Cream butter and sugar together. Add eggs, one at a time, and mix until well combined. Stir in pineapple. Fold in bread cubes.

- Bake in prepared casserole at 350 degrees for 1 hour, or until brown on top.


Friday, January 11, 2008

We Are Family...

Sing it with me everyone!
I hope that you all got to see the presentation last Sunday…it was a great reminder that, as big as our church is, we really are a family! It was fun to watch the video and realize that I was a part of many of the events of the past year. Brass on the Grass…that’s when Mandy & I did Christmas in July…Youth Camp…an event in Emily’s spiritual life that she will never forget…Miracle on Main Street…not so long ago, but something that Justin will look back on as a highlight of his elementary years.
Something happened yesterday that re-emphasized this for me. My kids were at Compass and had brought lunch to stay for afternoon classes. I got a call from a friend at lunch time to let me know that Emily was sick, so I began preparing to go pick her up, bring her home and turn back around to pick up Justin & Lexie from afternoon class. Before I got out the door, she called me back to say that Toni had offered to bring Emily home for me. The next call was from Sara to let me know that Emily had left with Lexie’s lunch, was it ok for her to eat some macaroni & cheese that another mom had brought? This small example just reminded me once again that I have a great family…one that will care for my kids when I’m not with them, even just to save me the inconvenience of rushing back & forth a few miles. I have always felt that no matter how big the church is, “my church” is the group that I serve, serve with and am served by. Even with all of the changes in our CG over the years, God has allowed me to develop relationships with everyone who he adds to our group and to be grateful for the experience of knowing them. It is always hard when people leave, but I have learned that God puts different people in our lives for different times and we can enjoy the benefits of an ever-changing family, but a family nonetheless.